We welcome enquiries concerning membership


In addition to our Annual Dinner we aim to provide a variety of Social Activities for our Members and Partners if they so wish. 

These might include Meals taken locally and the occasional Day Outing etc. 

Below is an indication of some of our more recent activities. 

(Unfortunately affected in 2020 by the Corona Virus Pandemic)

We are just beginning to get back to a degree of normality following a Members Lunch in early August.

 A Coffee Morning was held later in that month. Hopefully this will continue ....

Willingdon Probus Visit to Michelham Priory - June 2024

Eight valiant members - Richard & Judith Wells, Christopher & Elaine Edwards, Neil & Auriol Cumming and Liz & Richard Goude crossed the moat and entered The Priory through the impressive 14th Century Gatehouse on a sunny Friday afternoon.

Michelham Priory

Our aim was to recreate the lives of those who lived here for over 700 years. We began in the remains of the monks' cloister. The charter of 1229 founded an establishment of Prior and 12 Augustinian canons. There were 8 canons and a novice at the Dissolution in 1537. The exterior of the South range survives as the the monks' Refectory, as does part of the West range, comprising Undercroft and Prior's Room. The outline of the Priory Church is visible.

We then moved to the Tudor mansion built in the 1590s by Henry Pelham of Laughton Place and Pelham House, Lewes , as we envisaged the cooking and feasting of a Tudor banquet. Then on through the Gentlemen Farmer tenants of the Sackville family of Knole.  In the 19th Century the Michelham estate was noted for the breeding of Sussex Red Beef cattle.

wp2406 - michelham estate

Finally we tried to recreate the lives of the evacuee children from Rotherhithe in the freezing winter of 1940. There may have been fun on the frozen moat but what would the indoor heating have been like in war-time Britain.

We then repaired to the café for tea and cakes. All in all a pleasant afternoon.

Richard Goude

July 2024

JANUARY 2023 and 2024

On the 12th January2023 and the 4th January 2024, several Probus members welcomed a number of ladies who joined us at our first outing in the two New Years. We all met up at the Xing Fu restaurant in Meads Village for a most enjoyable lunch, arranged by Ken Mayhew (2023) and John Domoney (2024).. The food was, as always, delicious and the service with a smile was excellent. A very good start to the year. A good time was had by all.

 Xing fu2 Xing fu1


13 Probus members met in The Stables tea-room on The Glynde estate on a beautiful sunny afternoon. We were soon joined by our genial and knowledgeable guide Peter for a tour of the Elizabethan mansion.

The house was built in the form of a quadrangle by William Morley in 1569 with elegant flint facings. The stable block and church were added in the mid-18th.century when the estate had passed to Bishop Trevor of Durham.

As soon as we were in the impressive entrance hall it was clear that Glynde is a grand country house. Peter gave us an excellent commentary on the art and furniture. Owners of the estate had also played significant roles on the national stage in The Civil War and in Victorian times when Sir Henry Brand was Speaker of The Commons from 1872 to 1884.This was commemorated by a magnificent (overblown perhaps?) silver table centre-piece.

The walls and staircases were adorned with family portraits which Peter brought to life for us with expertise and humour. Other highlights were paintings of Venice scenes by Canaletto and Guardi. In The Gallery, the scene today for music recitals, are superb wood carvings in the Grinling Gibbons manner. Particularly impressive and unusual were the massive carved picture frames. Another highlight was the 'Armada Atlas' produced in the 1590s and one of only two surviving copies.

All in all an enlightening and interesting tour. Our thanks go to our hosts at Glynde for looking after us so well.

 1a GPClock  2

  3 4  

  Some additional pictures taken during this visit:

 5  7  10  8

 9  6  


On Wednesday 31st August, a number of Probus members and friends got together for an afternoon of Croquet, which was organized by Neil Cumming. There were some helpers from the Compton Croquet Club assisting and showing us all how to play the game. It was a lovely sunny day and those who played clearly enjoyed the competition. Afterwards, we were all served a delicious afternoon tea in the club house. Unforgettable fun was had by all. 

 2 v2 13 

MAY 2022

IMG 5514 (2)

On Thursday 26th May a lunch was arranged at the Xing Fu Chinese Restaurant in Meads, Eastbourne.  It was attended by members and some of their wives/partners.

The general opinion was that the food was delicious and the service was friendly and efficient. A good time was had by all.  It was great to be able to meet up for a social occasion after the last two years.

This picture didn't come out as well as expected, for which many apologies.

APRIL 2022

Annual Dinner

On Thursday the 28th April, 2022 The Willingdon Probus Club was able to hold its first Annual Dinner for three years, the previous ones having had to be cancelled due to the pandemic.

On behalf of the Chairman, Nick Goff welcomed Members, the Ladies and Guests to the three course dinner at The Hydro Hotel.  Later on, after coffee had been served, we were entertained by Eastbourne's 'Duality' singers which was much enjoyed.

A good time was had by all.


Continuing with our way back to normal as we hold our first 'Ladies Lunch' at 
The Langham Hotel, in Eastbourne. 
Members with wives/partners renew friendships forged over the years.


A visit to 'The Curious Brewery' at Ashford, Kent

 The tour commences 

A very descriptive brewery tour  guide.

Barrels of Beer

Plenty of barrels left for our tasting experience later!


Club Visit to The Mary Rose Exhibition at Portsmouth

King Henry VIII
King Henry VIII

Some members & partners at the Exhibition

The Mary Rose
The Mary Rose

Artifacts from The Mary Rose
Artifacts from The Mary Rose